
100 Jahre Welttheater Einsiedeln

Klosterplatz Einsiedeln 2024

For the 100th anniversary of the Einsiedeln World Theatre, we had the honour of creating a natural fog stage set in the majestic monastery square.

Lukas Bäfuss and Livio Andreina, with almost 500 collaborators, stage a new interpretation of the famous El gran teatro del mundo by Pedro Calderón de la Barca, masterfully transfiguring it into our World

The Welttheater runs until 7 September 2024.

100 Years of Einsiedeln World Theatre
11 June - 7 September 2024


Nephos Swiss Fog

via Pizzo di Claro 11

CH-6500 Bellinzona

tel-fax +41 91 825 09 62

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