

LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura 2024

Environmental installation of natural fog to mitigate heat island phenomena.
Piazza Luini, beeing paved with mineral materials and exposed to sun's rays for several hours a day, accumulates a great deal of heat.

The City of Lugano has decided to test Aureola from 17 June to 17 September 2024 with the aim of lowering the perceived temperature near the installation. The effectiveness will be monitored by SUPSI's Institute for Earth Sciences.


The project was promoted by the Planning, Environment and Energy, Mobility Division, together with the Urban Spaces, Culture and Events and Conferences Divisions.

Take part in the survey


Black-and-white photos by Sabrina Montiglia


Nephos Swiss Fog

via Pizzo di Claro 11

CH-6500 Bellinzona

tel-fax +41 91 825 09 62

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